Monday, December 17, 2012

Top-heavy tank artillery room Survival Guide

What is artillery Housing?

Some people say, the three artillery is artillery room, someone said five artillery no pressure, I give my own definition.

The other artillery total DPH over heavy tank called the artillery room itself more than double the total blood volume. (Chatillon gun 2000DPH)

In other words, in this room, heavy tanks time to go a bit turnovers large artillery set fire may directly explosion car, so the to many HT players feel a lot of pressure, so is the artillery room.

To correct several erroneous views

1> artillery satellite gun, as long as the outcrop will be playing

First of artillery does not mean to go wherever they want, artillery needs to take place, you need to shrink the circle, you need to turn around.

That is lit for the first time about the safety time of 5-10 seconds, this time to go immediately to find shelter or to vanishing point motorized shunning security. Second, if one team is lit in the next, there is also a danger zone.

2> not hit bad stone / absolute security behind the house

The contrary, isolated rugged bunkers behind the danger zone, although artillery may temporarily unable to directly hit the heavy tanks, but there is a stone house these markers, even after vanishing point artillery can also be based on markers accurate positioning of heavy tanks.

The safest place is relatively steep back hillside behind artillery aiming line pulled here very long, it is difficult to effectively targeting and heavy tanks can also be returned to the hillside behind the vanishing point, while no obvious markers artillery in hillside vanishing point positioning heavy tanks, the other anti hillside also beaten better. This is why playing T30 steal the gun back and forth not beaten, Barton just will not play outcrop was playing.

The second is the the bunker group formed by a large number of bunkers, heavy tanks in the vanishing point back and forth between the bunker transposition, the other artillery can not effectively attack.

Heavy tank players how to lay the artillery room?

1, 2 minute rapid march at the beginning

Beginning artillery mostly take place on the shells, watching reconnaissance vehicles, in a daze, confused and so on. 1 minute before absolute security, in addition to some of the often extraordinary channels may artillery targeting, but most of the artillery will run a good location because of fear of general reconnaissance vehicles. 1-2 minutes when artillery generally followed in reconnaissance vehicle vision, avoid easily lit location. This time is lit there is sufficient time to find the bunker. Started a few minutes before the rapid march ran out of good depth, heavy tanks in the next stage of the confrontation has more tactical options. If you wanted to run a radical position, must be before the start of communication and teammates, though not necessarily someone to listen, but as long as there is a person to go along with it will greatly increase the chance of survival.

2, looking for a good tactical belt

In general, this refers to a long beautiful hills, or building a lot of town, heavy tanks went to the end of the base of the bunker, the fastest lit across from attempting to enter the bunker car, if the reaction is fast enough also vehicle track can be interrupted to commit, and then retreated back a bunker or a period hillside after vanishing point, and then head out again each other again change bunkers - tanks defense guidelines is to keep space for each other blood, the most taboo block in isolation behind the bunker, even if that position is beautiful to look at, but believe me, the enemy will always find a way to pull the heavy tanks, only a lot of bunkers vanishing point group or long for the hillside The heavy tanks constantly Back to play a defensive force.

3, Always pay attention to the small map as well as kill conditions

Always pay attention to one's own artillery to walk, the other a front advancing to prevent outflanking ...... heavy tanks, although it is not ready for lines like medium tanks, but enemy main line in another time, have to make a corresponding countermeasures to determine the other models are in what is a very important position, to judge according to the red dot on the kill words and Map pop and teammates reported point, you can make a decision when attacking.

4, seize the opportunity to strongly attack the defense

When strong attack, is the other local DPH artillery DPH existing blood volume when you can make a strong attack and harass you or the other artillery, especially in the LT and kill each other artillery, you can be down a bunker advance. Once you choose to attack, the bunker behind the enemy must be forced to eat.

D3 gold

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