Wednesday, December 19, 2012

"Guild Wars 2" Winter Veil airship copy raiders

(1) fast process

01. Immediately flew to the main city of the tree, look at the map you will see a copy of the entrance! Went over there you will see a huge Takanawa flying boat!

02. into the copy of the picture

03. Task 1 is "bug" picked up a purple ball of oil, this time your skills will become purple ball of oil, ran the engine next to the F-irrigation oil.

04. Reach the engine next to the irrigation by F oil globules, you will see the upper right of the schedule began to jump.

05. Task 2 the direct use of the boat point back to the beginning to find this small transfer station.

06. Spread to the air balls started to play you will see the upper right corner of the task reaction.

07. Kick down the same pass point back at the beginning, do not jump directly ...

08. Task 3, to find this thing of the ground and then to the NPCs near the yellow dot on the find.

09. to the front of the Centaurs (see his head before the corner thought he was a deer Department) NPC.

10. Task 4, the end of the fight take the fort to see the jump table, so after

11. Task 5, the South is a huge red high wheel, but not threatening, close to the fight on clearance

Once on shore, do not forget to open the chest!

The first incentive will send the material, and the second only a gift box.

(2) copy achievements:

Sylvari Surprise: clearance can

Smash the Town: destroy all buildings

Supplement achievements Smash The Town should be inside the tree with buildings destroyed

The focus is a very gay tree in behind a rock

(3) material synthesis:

Mini Toy Ventari:

Just to see the dolls can be made ...

Toy Ventari

Ventari Frame * 1

Mystical Cog * 250

Wad of Enchanted Stuffing * 250

Drop of Magic Glue * 250

However, the material rewards only two alternative, so you have another scrape ...

I just update you spend 350 Gem bought, but the material is the cost should be used next.

Guild Wars 2 gold

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