Friday, December 14, 2012

"Guild Wars 2" feature acquisition system

Many games are set like ore, herbs such resources are directed to separate individuals, one collected the other person can not collect after acquisition resources disappear, you need after a certain period of time to refresh again appear. While this set inspired collection enthusiasm for the ore, herbal resources, but also led to the undesirable phenomenon of mutual competition for resources point game, and even lead to friction between the players. "Guild Wars 2" Features acquisition system to completely avoid it, "Guild Wars 2", all of the ore, the acquisition of the plant resource points are shared, and do not need to scramble.   Guild Wars 2 gold

Resource sharing is no need to fight

In "Guild Wars 2", when you find a resource point to begin collecting, there may be other explorers to collect, but this does not affect the acquisition process more scramble phenomenon does not occur, you can take a leisurely finished collecting resources, resources continue to look for the next point.

Acquisition resources to enhance the level of not delay

In "Guild Wars 2", you only need to purchase such as an ax or a sickle acquisition tools you can start your collection in various regions of Tyria, but also gain experience in the acquisition process, and to experience the value of the number of considerable turns out collecting resources to enhance the level of not delay!

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