Saturday, December 22, 2012

France branch light tank ECL AMX tactics guide

First, elc car is definitely not reconnaissance vehicles, and try not to go to opening the eyes! This is my advice, of course, other than the senior players with great dexterity, I do not want a novice to imitate the hero.

elc very small field of view, opening the eyes inefficient, whether you are not loaded high light.

Second, elc hidden horizons smaller, if you are silent investigation, you will soon be lit Do not look at your body and small, in fact, I found elc concealment is not very good, and the turret angle limited once the camouflage net failure you It will be very dangerous. To the usual x handbrake.

Fired after, elc huge muzzle brake for hidden reduce extreme. As long as you see the enemy, once you fired, even if s series of car you can immediately see the basic. Not like real td such as bald, su85 as their own lit illegal guns twice, and the slow rate of fire.

elc main gun in the 300m after a significant decline in accuracy, but also for the high and low, to have better accuracy 300m more than in the same horizontal plane, only in very sensitive. However, a smaller angle of depression can provide a higher hit rate, 90 guns from the muzzle velocity Muzzle Velocity curved trajectory.

elc this car, motor support, remember that you are the light tanks moving members in camouflage is 100%. You maneuver as long as it does not go no place cover most of the time will not be found. Of course, this does not mean you can interludes interspersed need the support of a certain amount of blood, the play should be similar to the large bread into 8 room.

Figure in the street fighting, frankly, my street fighting piece feel elc difficult to beat. But once our 1-to-1 on the radio when (mess) you can go to help, often you sense the presence of weak and Founder is loading gap, which is determined through enemy muzzle pointing fired gap you go out, then turning basin targeting, aiming time was even shorter than you aim the other filling +, the other the possibility of conversion goals will, if I will be your conversion goals.

The correct approach is, the enemy fired immediately rush out to open a mirror aiming, if we find the other muzzle point you do not greedy, immediately retracted. Targeting our enemy had, if the other party must wear deep enough to target our weaknesses, then the advantage will be obvious. The one hand, the opposite circle shrink takes time, and can enhance psychological pressure. If possible, to maneuver into the intersection on the other side to go, so the other time to switch targets longer a consideration, even to give up the intention of switching targets.

Of course, in the teammates suffer shells when you do not go out, people will criticize you sell your teammates, you do not care about. You have to win or face, not to mention the elc simply not said this is the face. Even if you are a gun is not fat, have a difficult match for our military advantage. The enemy mess than our military when you want to take advantage of the concealment, in place of long junctions and the enemy might march preview.

You have to skillfully use x handbrake and Right-lock muzzle function, your preview will be four observation disrupted, a lot of people because of this bad big powerful main gun. The correct approach is - your energy in a small map, if you see the your intersection enemy, and found small map rather than sight. I often car and detect when the do not go to the car I drive, look directly at the small map. If the opposite of a car you can not breakdown immediately off the crawler, elc track off most car capable of a gun, if it is able to penetrate, it is necessary to look at both sides trend, if we mess car more blood and face vulnerable enemy you attack the track to stall for time, to prevent both sides outflank.

If it was me, I do not care about small elc targeting me and continue to outflank, tactical attack the enemy main side effect, if the Express can even run over elc. If we are at a disadvantage, it is, as far as possible, to the blood. Open to the enemy, we are the disadvantages of car should have to die. This time decisively to the blood to be able to weaken the combat effectiveness, and enhance the possibility of your multi-kill comeback.

This time, Si Morse Dov example, you should go to your car before the blood, and then you move to the disadvantage teammates there, the road loading, moving to the road the other side or out from the teammates around, as long as the opposite of anti- force of less than 400, regardless of whether the switch targets, you adhere to aim and shoot at the enemy, if the penetration depth is good, you shoot the amount before the hit rate, a stable output because this time you compete against injury or bad accessories much more important.

90 gun destruction is relatively high, even can let that disadvantage teammates survived under the skin in the blood. Then you can reload and hid in the small slope behind. Other other car tanks Over the road, often residual blood more, the characteristics of which is street fighting, the other relatively smooth when there are more residual blood more than even full blood cars, street fighting not only from the perspective limit maneuvering, or from the other party for the loss of blood characteristics are not easy to comeback plans. This time the other side will be closing out your blood skin teammates luck blood the leather will play a gun, character jump or opposite circle not shrink fired But first predictable reasons, usually to set a bad result, that is, teammates killed.

You immediately rushed aim and shoot, and consider each other's laps the shrink and loading speed if the opposite is s series car, do not be afraid, if it is to be wary d series, s series car to consider filling speed and poor targeting speed German branch car circle shrinking faster than loading, so consider loading. m series cars this time the most efficient, the most difficult comeback. Few high residual blood bread can be the elc overturned, but is, like King Tiger's car, the opportunity is much larger.

You a gun if you can breakdown, often the opposite to be received blood skin will not rigorous exposure to the side, and when you aim to get rid of you as soon as possible and not turn the body, common in mobile punishment big s series car d series car. This time you can go to a blood. Then step down the slope immediately turn around and pay attention to the U-turn when the pivot turn, not from the outside, that is, make a U-turn to the left turn from the inside, so that your body will be hidden behind the deeper slopes, if you turn right, you may m series or d series car directly destroyed by accident, because half of the body exposed.

If the opposite two cars, and high blood car, you basically do not have to stay alive. So then explore the only remaining one. Your speed is relatively high, so the other might direct occupation (not discussed here mt, because high blood mt against the elc too easy, you almost can not comeback). This time you can you flee to another bunker behind the preview, waiting for the opponent appear, attention must have a slightly prominent bunker between you and your opponent, In other words, the enemy, and you must be out of the bunker to discover each other, because the distance is short, elc from the bunker behind exposing the body to fire, a lot of high horizons vehicles, especially d series will immediately see you, you fired, due to go before the other circle shrink soon, you retracted very may be shot and killed.

And corner bunkers distinct because chariot observation turret prevail, its body is wider than you, so you can see each other in advance preview weaknesses, so even circle shrinking fast d Series car also can not be fired before you retracted. You can not hide the small slope of ordinary vehicles and garbage, elc best bunker for two reasons:

This is not a typical hidden bit, the other will not be prior to turning the muzzle there, even if the enemy is a few centimeters of the muzzle mobile, advantage can be created to give you even more crucial is the psychological advantage.

The 2. Elc front of the enemy, the time will be longer if you corner an ambush, returned opposite preemptive fired a high probability, not to mention generally junctions are open to any map refuse to give you a resist shells opportunity. Many cases, because elc high damage, you have comeback success.

If the comeback is not successful, and returned to the intersection to continue ambush, but absolutely do not hide behind the corner, think in opposite out instantly, you can get rid of him, because the enemy will be more cautious this time. If side tactics, then your death is very likely. If you are able to get crawler, the other fix, the reversing speed and refillable speed is likely to result in failure.

The correct approach is, if there is a crossroads, retreated to a crossroads. The enemy finally found your place is the you just disappear intersection, once to the crossroads, he will be faced with two choices - muzzle pointing to which side body how episiotomy.

If you do, you still failed, in fact, you have removed the general squad level most of the blood out.

Field figure to tell you the truth, do not think you have a higher chance of winning the contrary. It will be even worse.

Why? Very simple Your vision is too small, you could not have been hiding in the bushes inside, not to mention you fired a certainly to be found away. If the other party is taken to account for the home, then you will be forced to leave the bunker into the open to be targeting. The secret is, before the other party decided to account for the home is necessary to start with, intercept enemy.

Field diagram, absolutely not to start the investigation, do not card points. Investigation to low blood than t50 even less, and is very easy to hit, and easily one shot away, is relatively small field of view, you go to open the investigation can be found, elc often for investigation to the enemy, and even pre- The trend of contracting an enemy we can not do. I believe the many uninformed teammates will light tanks no investigation, but the actual technical limitations. elc unable to penetrate the enemy positions investigation, because the radio too bad. More stupid card, you have only 400 blood must be strong to eat. If the opposite know how to switch he, you look gone, your speed will let support out of touch.

The most correct approach is that if the map is small, can be a little outcrop investigation immediately back to determine the number of possible type of enemy and opposite card bit, usually investigation into mt, is also your biggest threat lies. This investigation is not to gain and artillery, but to help you identify your main opponents of the situation. Select the route more enemies go card sites.

Then, in the mt grab, tend to each other secondary lit, you can charge the the enemy go Qiangdian road mt of more than 200 blood, if our army is exposed to enemy fire, you can be lit illegal guns, or support. If our military is not directly exposed to the fire under the most common enemy angle of depression is not enough, but be able to attack you make less than close our military mt. This terrain you need to predict, to be close to the bunker and terrain. Why is this time not to hide the more distant it?

First of all, your accuracy without second muzzle velocity is relatively low, that is more difficult to predict to you the advance amount, most times, the battlefield conditions often do not allow you to do so. This time the enemy mt lit, do not panic, the artillery is not aimed at you so fast. Some greedy enemy even stopped to ready to whip you, he will be our army set fire to die, when you do not turn around the muzzle targeting fired, and do not completely circle shrink fired, but not fired immediately returned bunker.

If the person is not dead continue to walk, you run out of the preview, he will enter the final critical line of bunkers preview (but do not aim at the bunker edge, otherwise your distribution will reduce the hit rate in half, you are the correct approach is to stick to the the bunker edge), targeting the outside of the circle edge you predict the time and circle reduction will achieve the conditions at that time the best value.

After a gun effectively attack, usually you need a strategic maneuver. This time the enemy ht often reaches the midfield position, you maneuver into a more undulating terrain, but do not go to the inclined plane, elc slant are not allowed. Of course, it depends on circumstances. 2 you usually drawn ht side of a gun. According to other distance itself is lit to determine whether the maneuver, if the enemy front over, no matter how far away a gun immediately maneuver. The elc steering long time forever than you think.

Then, back to the enemy mt more card points side support telescopic teammates. This time the enemy continued to light up, but in a stalemate, in illegal guns bit will be good support for his teammates, less an enemy of the other Middle Road home td pit much, you can even take into account the maneuver to map Zhong, direct pumping bunker behind the enemy. This play is similar to the Wind, artillery strategic mobility, I believe the players will play Lorraine 155 and Wildwind very familiar with, but you shorten the distance.

This time you are 90 guns destruction completely not a light tank level, you can immediately change the entire war. Enemy or else all you illegal guns kill (my highest such illegal guns kill 6, the other could not move), or is to go out to fight to the death, although originally disadvantages card, they should do things go out together, but the wild teams often do not like this, sometimes you force them to go out but will cause our defense collapsed.

There is a shooting tips, is not continuous pumping an enemy, otherwise he could not bear rushed over and over again, might have to go out under his leadership. The correct approach is the one after the burst observation hole. You can either get a killer experience, but also to avoid the risk, etc. Everyone burst over again. So that the enemy even to go out, because the gap between the amount of blood and synergies, often can not be broken defense.

If headwind Bureau, opposite left mt is the same line, only to gamble. To guide them to the base. Will be divided into full-kill and accounted for the party. In general, some conscious players will think their own catch up elc simply accounting for home earn silver. If so, you equal to weaken the combat power of one or two-track.

Then, you take advantage of the terrain motorized to chase the side of the route, the best bulb skills training, so you maneuver is lit you can know, thus abandoning the ambush. Because of your speed advantage, unless it is very fast mt, it would be difficult to catch up with you off from your uphill speed small angle and hidden perspective, you should choose a more ups and downs of the line, so that the enemy will acceleration performance disadvantage.

Thereby widening the distance, to create the conditions for the ambush. Ambush process continuous undulating terrain, or terrain blocked by buildings. Hiding in the bushes preview fired immediately after the evacuation. Preview error, if the enemy accounted for the home is still relatively low when evacuation anyway, hidden in your mobile is still 100%. Of course, when accounting home only targeting, you must risk.

If the enemy is not dead after fired immediately retreated to the buildings and bunkers, the bunker but do not expect to hit the side, but rather a tactical maneuver, do not run the place you want to go before you put out the lights, should run straight or downshift, etc. off the lights then go on to visit the places twice ambushed. Without this condition, terrain motorized fight for reload time around the enemy should pay attention to, you do not have turrets, slower steering, the correct approach is to pretend to look around, forcing the enemy to advance the amount of preview, suddenly rushed into the enemy stop live fire. The terrain you should pay attention, do not be rushed down from the hill and washed up, but from the downhill. Because you can only fire straight ahead, red will drift down to the enemy who was killed!

Of course, you can use this, for example, you can punch down the hill from behind the enemy, this time the enemy will preview the big amount in advance. Brakes, steering completely, this time you will quickly brake and drift muzzle can be immediately on the enemy, the flashy, the enemy suddenly react very shocked, this skill is best used in about 100m when, because there are The enemy of my bread used such tactics, when I open the mirror to preview the result does not appear inside the mirror, due to the magnification of the relationship, players use the wheel to zoom in, and is likely to take a higher magnification, and elc body is small, more players will be enlarged. The results of the other consumes one second to find your time wasted one second to 1.5 seconds aiming time. Makes possible to secure first-mover opportunities due to the front of the ambush and fighting, the vast majority of mt will die in your hit.

Then, your speed is a chance to save the house. But often, you only carry a gun blood, of course, even if you are full of blood, the tactical choices errors also were killed.

The home most open terrain, even in the highlands, your vision is relatively small, you will certainly have to be found. But usually you do not have time.

This time to take fraud tactics.

First of all, if you searchlight still a shelling out searchlight, it is estimated that the enemy will react, will move. If the home is open terrain, opposite mt after moving 50% of hidden weaken, you are more likely to see him. Course, you shot behind the bunker, barely able to attack the position of the searchlight, fired into the bushes investigation, and take full advantage of the movement of light tanks but not hidden features. If you still can not see, to adopt new fraud tactics.

Highland useful, you can open on Highland exposed half of the body, and when you see the enemy, the enemy can see you. Write down the enemy's position, identify a landmark, best trees Searchlight straight. Then the brain to draw an extension cord, extension cord and then rushed to a firing position, usually 150m bushes can not be too precise.

You were there should be about 20% of the occupied strip (Of course, if you are in front of to solve another enemy hands and feet fast, then you might have 30%) occupied mode, more obvious, you will have plenty of time, if standard mode to be quick, and sometimes had to recklessly), then you blind gun did you write down the location of many cars at this time do not want to maneuver your hit rate is probably about 25% Are you skilled.

Express grind kill elc method, the best way is elc generally attempt to circumvent, cut from the front of the vehicle body at right angles (unskilled the elc often reversing the circumvention but the elc reversing fast enough) frontal impact you often will only let the the elc loss impact blood If the person is not dead, you're likely to sustain another 200 of the destruction.

But as I say cut, you will hit killing your vehicle then drove elc, press and hold at the top, then you will lose the same amount of blood will soon be killed, because less blood elc generally speaking you not go on and on dead, 200 destruction to bear than you. Sometimes endgame pressure in an elc like t34 RCC on the 2nd, I feel a sense of achievement ... my t3485 is grind to kill elc car.

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