Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Science knowledge: you do not know the pharmacist

Science knowledge, suitable for the novice, and also to those who do not understand the people of Pharmacy.

Major alchemical page

The poison gas Shaped: dodge + poison gas Shaped, then dodge, dodge + poison gas Shaped + dodge, take the step 2 again dodge, a large amount of displacement. Poison gas Shaped + dodge, do not point the left mouse button, now BUG poison shaped + dodge ice boxing then there is no Phantom.

Fire Fist: breaking tyrants body of fire boxing is not very high, but good knock effect.

Ice boxing: the hands tyrants Icefist body high, break out very low hegemony body.

Grass magic: magic grass ice attack icing, this is the legend of the RP ice, so put 4 Phantom when magic the grass can raise the probability of RP ice. When ice Ling ignore.

Sacrifice: sacrifice now better release, released when the the magic grass being put skills or relatively close from the monster can sacrifice. The sacrifice effect may be a delay, do not worry. Sacrifice plus much blood.

Injection: Pharmacy reason why survival is high, not because the cure flow, but because of the jet. In addition, the card injection principle, from the jet, the amount of damage you caused to the end of injection to increase the blood, so that there were more things to help you play more, plus blood, just a magma wall main card blood manner.

Snow sky; effect snow sky tour less anti-ice, and ice spirits can not be superimposed, duration 6S point high 8S.

Diseases, diseases of the poison preach exposed to want to throw far points Please transferred to a 45-degree angle of view, very far.

Practice deception: the ice claws IQ is very low, so I want to please when close to the monster put ice claws blood, and is very low, but not easy to hit it, the other will not immediately disappear after the ice claws are destroyed, but given where it does not move do not attack. Time will disappear.

Mixed infection: high capacity, large droplets break tyrants body save poison bundles, ice bundle essential.

Poison storm: super broken tyrants body, breaking skills. Talk about drug violence breaking skills principle. Lair strange blood underneath a yellow slip of paper, called a hard straight, hard smashed straight skill broken, generally BOSS to between 30 to 50 hard straight rip about seven skills. Hard straight before a layer of super armor, so no matter how hard you hit hard straight, no less poison storm layer super armor is destroyed, then you can impress hard straight, so said basically that require continuous release The skills are so broken broken will stop after skills and hard straight super armor fill up. For example Dragon Dragon's Breath, Callahan full-screen, Typhoon Gold Typhoon. So off. Instantaneous skills is basically broken down.

The icicle release: as the main outbreak skills, put love virus put icicle release before the snow sky and diseases EX.

The most important pharmacists column.

Love virus: the last test the effect of the virus of love, I make a simple summary of the hit after the other can not hit you, release skills, love must play in the human body will be effective, summons, you must hit the summon The physical body can have effects. Healed, miracles can not function, Carly puppet please hit the people who will be effective.

Cure stream: cure stream not just the blood skills a plus, but when vindictive purification healed use. When tied, bound, can be used to cure flow Qingdiao the PK when all the negative BUFF can be cleared away. In addition, the cure streams can be cleared Callahan fullscreen frozen green dragon fight pillars deceleration, the deceleration of the Dragon, a sense of power of the typhoon, you can save yourself that lightning typhoon tracking. Others tied can not save. In other words, the cure for the flow with the combined effect of the cure and heal and vindictive purification.

Injection EX: the jet EX range becomes large, only the needle a little bit of range becomes a circular from the injection point to the person behind the range, and with the adsorption effect.

Disease EX: plus 20% of the damage is not explained.

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