Friday, November 30, 2012

Ancient 3 equipment, refining system Introduction

Brave Introduction of the equipment

Players in the "Bakar City," "black earth" in the realm of "nothingness" kill the monster will drop the outsider Dungeon materials equipment and three brave.

Each class will have four sets of three brave and equipment for players to collect, including three sets of equipment with fixed attributes. Set includes auxiliary equipment and the Sorcerer's Stone, each set is equipped with 11 pieces of equipment.

Players can fall through the Dungeon, or buy three brave and equipment from clent at the provenance of each piece of equipment and can be equipped dictionary view.

In addition, each class can get the the Barathrum series outsider equipment and of these outsider equipment dropped Skill Bonus attributes and not with the player by refining system, as these additional equipment fixed property, build the equipment they need!

The refining system introduced:

Players can fall through the Dungeon, or use the Dungeon Drop "extradimensional debris from clent at the exchange for the material needs of the refining equipment and materials, including the Barathrum series equipment and to equip the additional effect of the extradimensional breath".

The three outsider atmosphere can increase attack power, cooling time and skills enhancement effect the properties of the equipment.

Right click the outsider breath of the outsider breath additional equipment, additional time, players can choose to require additional skills.

Additional attributes of the weapons the prompts. Additional success, success tips.

The Barathrum series of equipment can be attached two extradimensional breath ", and there is some chance of damage to the equipment in the additional time, the first additional additional chance of success is very high, while the second additional equipment will have a higher chance of damage. The equipment is damaged colorless small crystal block extradimensional debris and other items. "Barathrum" series of equipment does not suit effect.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Player discussion: The most fail ten design in Diablo 3

1) all the elements of damage are not different, all included in the weapons and white. In fact, the players did not see Poison damage, fire damage, or electrical damage

Originally elemental damage is significant, at least physical immune fire immune.

Such as the fire is small range AOE, poison DOT, ice deceleration, electric reduce enemy damage.

2) critical hit and critical damage originally seasoning, has now become the only pursuit. Also weapons plus other color gem it?

My DH critical damage is now nearly 600% pvp you how to balance?

3) Only six skills. The original beta 7 skills, Jay said: seven skills you will be able to "get most you want" change less let you "make hard decision"

What a spanking! Such as trendy Double WW, shouted a big move are long time to click, can do is hold down the mouse, Double WW click every 4 seconds.

4) claims to have hundreds of millions of Rune combinations. In reality? Most of the runes are there to make up the numbers. The players tend to either maximize dps, or maximize harm reduction.

Lead to many interesting skills can not be used, such as playing the little monsters and Midazolam, RCC and kite all rely on poor six skills.

5) extremely lazy and bored the paragon the system. You is this solution did? PVP when how to do? Different roles than 100 less 300 main attributes, 200 physical you still playing what?

Kidnap players was advocating various options and a variety of designers, even so the player can only play a role. You painted a 100?

6) Very linear low Q MP system. Do you want to have the best equipment? Brush lowest difficulty, kill the minimum Q's monster.

You day and night farm and why? Spend money to buy diablo 3 gold doing what? Such as sweeping the floor in order to cut the monster mowing as simple, can you now mowing, "Oh, what do we do not want to force the play more difficult challenges '

7) did not have any freedom plus points. D2 where 20 points are added to a skill. That sor of the fire-breathing, have been very short, plus a can spray half the screen.

pal playing a monster has a chance to become the monster to the skills of his accomplices, to put a lot of points before the monster banner banner are you hit, amusement.

D3 where 1.04 before you see DH 1234 key all the same four life-saving skills, and also the nerve to say that hundreds of millions of species build?

8) did not give the cooperative mode design skills, even hatred so easily do not. All skills are instantaneous, no channel, save force, there is no need to cast time.

The smoke to cancel any control without any control Saiyan pvp when you how to do? Direct face-to-face on the split?

9) Why can not learn war3 dota, you can put forward a Tactical Level, every new games are level 0, save the experience to be able to rise to the level 10 points added to the skill.

Than blunt 5buff good? "You do not avoid people constantly brush single warrior monster new game. You engage in such a "tactical level" does not have to? Feeling new game every time you play.

10) hurt the people the HC the system. HC turned out and the normal can not be traded, how much brain damage set their own core customers refused payment services.

You can hit the equipment inside the HC particular flag, then the normal things play in the HC attribute All halved HC things play in normal attributes diminished not on the line.

So people spend real money to buy HC device can play where normal things will not impact the core of senior players.

Also, why is only one life? Die once all-red equipment, die once 100K-200K d3 gold a consideration.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Diablo 3 witch doctor major genres experiences

1. Skills Features

Zombie bear, strong acids toxic cloud, the Spirit line surgery, soul the harvest, fear spiritual several skills to use the skills, there are some very Fu unique skills and passive explore.

1.1 zombie bear

The bears do not have the crossing obstacles capacity. And in order to avoid high attack speed under Bear crash, so bear can overlap. Fit phenomenon occurs when the position can not meet a bear's volume. This is also the most common Blizzard product space module BUG.

Elaborate on the skills and common practices.

3-in-1 engines only have a need to figure the ass is greater than the the bear butt of objects, it is not limited to only launched in the case of butt close to the wall. The number of scene objects can launch fit Bear himself to.

Fit bear common practices is not 1, but 2 1. Bear attack range is relatively large, when 2 Bear fit and at the right angle, fully meet the full output. Therefore I do not recommend using the left mouse button to place bears skills, this will lead to the perfect angle can not be played.

Add additional H-gun monster deal with, by the space above BUG principle, we can imagine, launched in fact, not limit must bear against the wall, so long as the area of ??the card bit smaller than a bear volume can reserve sufficient not eat H gun position to launch a Bear fit.

1.2 strong acid poison cloud (acid rain)

Acid rain does not change its sustained injuries Rune figures hit back value once per second trigger. Such as ooze monster, half a second recovery amount will be reduced by half.

The recommended 24 yards Rune. When the ground is not only because of his range, careful friends may be found 24 yards Rune 3 lump residues, yes! Each the lump will launch hit back. Example, that will support the protection cover the feet to climb, he can trigger three times the strike back.

As seen from the acid rain accuracy determines your hardness is definitely a worthy intensive training skills.

1.3 Spirit moving, soul harvest, fear pirit

The effect of the three skills is clear to everyone, why should together do you say? They are a set of combos.

Recommended configuration: Spirit moving "back to blue harvest" deceleration, fear and spiritual armor

"Fear of the Spirit" is a controversial skills. We reluctantly discard pet in order to better gather monster, a fear not to die?

Fear the spirit of fear is actually very small range, and can provide twice the armor (armor panel attribute income is not high, but there is a potential anti-breaking properties, which is a built-in properties, will be in the back properties reconcile for a detailed description). As a combination of techniques to use when fear of the Spirit "Armor is indeed a cool skill.

Common combos tips

1.Spirit moving , fear spirit

When you use the Spirit moving back to the blue all monsters will be staring at your avatar hit, this time a little move fear spirit.

2. Harvest, fear Spirit

Harvest deceleration Rune deceleration 3 seconds, the fear is four seconds. The intangible skills do not take up public CD, two skills can be pressed at the same time.

3. Single fear spirit

Armor easily add remote monster did not hurt.

In the late half monster pull over in MP8 together, Armor is also can be used casually, behind the monster will fear monster blocked.

Sometimes also help catch the monster, this is not easy to control the.

Passive aspects of Blood (minus consumption plus seconds back, and now almost standard.)

Bleed stream (in high-frequency attack would be breaking anti)

Finally, a more casual situation

The above contents are high MP Figure Advanced skills and is not suitable for rolling.

Upgrade, I did too much research. Take this opportunity to express the infinite expectation of our Witch Doctor Double WW technology.

There is some interesting skills found in the study of the various schools and share with you.

1. Swarm "suck blue

Back to blue to good effect, and can trigger bleeding. With bloody ax seamless life to meet the 1.3 speed.

2. Sorcery "Chicken

The staggering movement speed than fear accelerated too much. Used to pay attention to is that he is a tangible skill eating public CD, transfiguration with lift need a common CD interval.

In the case of too low attack speed is only suitable for running, fried monster might kill. There is fried monster with knockback, if in the case of non-seckill monster is not recommended to the center of the strange group was fried.

Poisoned arrows (any runes, apart from 3 round burst)

Eliminates the need for weapons when he doubled the strike can be launched back to values, such as play some genre of the herd, riots vampire.

Finally, said two skills often misleading.

1. Touch the soul sucked Blue

This skill does not exist in a practical sense. Use with the Swarm.

2. Groups chaos

An interest Rune passive limit to 18.75 seconds CD, not the legendary 15 seconds. The calculation is (60-15) * 0.75-15   Diablo 3 gold

Sunday, November 25, 2012

The 100 layers Raiders of DNF new despair tower

1: Paladin, recover, cover CD flow, WS flask Bomb

2: Paladin, light wall, EX light wall, Y-axis or remote attack him

3: Male mechanical/ammunition, ice, eggs, grenades revenge the short CD airdrop (10SCD) sweep booms his land attack sleep bomb

4: Male Launcher, five even spy super far quantum positioning and short CD, ice spray, high stiff high weight of basic floating

5: Assassin, sky punish take the artifact (the Tenchu ??triggered lightning), high damage

6: Ranger, opening Awakening Awakening CD flow, body art 0CD

7: Male Launcher/mechanical, quantum, similar to airdrop of about 40S full-screen multi-point off the low offensive object itself as the center about 700PX range out missile

8: Striker, full tyrants, body

9: Ranger, BBQ and the Double Eagle harm amazing violence shooting streams

11: Assassin, darts 3 batter, ground ice thorn

12: Shura, props stream, multiple throwing Curran grew up? Fluctuations roar twice broke

13: Force drive, mad hammer lovers, the blood thick, high defense and offensive, take the ax Attack per Speed ??faster than sickle

14: Magic, playing a dozen will be black, will throw poison gas bottle, not Magic skills ... Poison Ivy meritorious service (15-wheel war)

15-1: Compression men gun and guns + blue boxing Paladin, Zhiquan hit hurts

15-2: Water system fighting? Would put to track water waves (fire bastard Figure), you can jump to hide, also nets and cradle, Chun prevent net

15-3: Avatar force, attack a straw man becomes two substitute, substitute automatically release the the blitz meteor hit or crushed tyrants, warfare

16: Men fighting complex, Martial awakening

17: Male Grapller, in blind, mentally handicapped, will be awakening a small room

18: Shura, the whole killing wave

19: Poison Ivy, unlimited awakening will throw garbage

21: Valkyrie unlimited legs

22: Male diffuse, high stiff infinite distance high critical damage head

23: Law-drive, crazy white tiger

24: gun sister three size fire ... seize a priority to kill can alleviate the pressure

25-1: The elements of the fire department, Jack and lava bottle, tracking Jack trigger vertical meteorite shower to prevent pumpkin head

25-2: Optical Department of Magic, the electric tower, improved track the photoelectric eel trigger lightning will track Thundercloud prevent magic star shells, do not call things or magic star elastic seckill people

25-3: Ice summon? Snowstorm, trick ice orangutan, under ice thorn acid rain cloud (up to two)

25-4: dark Department of Magic will anti-gravity, fly swatter, fly swatter ultra-high damage, and the idea to summon the Night Cat, she the fly swatter seckill people.

26: the attractiveness of the the Shura, black holes functionality marshmallows ... marshmallows huge suck nearly the wave after Shura crack very sore, painful and cotton candy will explode. Nearly sucked initiative caught crawling skills the Shura may break of, or a marshmallow on Kuangpao

27: Assassin, high stiffness, will even move high attack

28: Assassin infinite jump, jump, bounce, dislocation jump, the blood thick

29: strange gunmen aerial shooting bullets, the foot of the player characters directly out of the aperture, and then an explosion. Also knee hit EU process invincible, and TS aperture explosion did not step on people, regardless of step. Would tread shot will be strange The floating bomb

31: Enchantment law flooding, to appear colorless steel plate, colorless darts out of thin air in front of the player character, bound with purple box, comfortable and not be able to use the skills, normal attack to break to also use colorless Circle, needs ruined three box, otherwise can not afford what hit him blood

32: Street Fighter: being attacked tenrai also throw the ball (no threat)

33: Poison Ivy/Valkyrie: Catwoman ..... will be Lightning Dance of toxic mine detonated passive Poison Ivy

34: shameless assassin, opening completely stealth cooling 20S implicit (attack, put skills profiling) can be controlled on the control, observe blur, no control class class headache

35: three bears, blue boxing + ghost + exorcism Paladins: Paladins will very quickly return to the blood, do not chase people, but the attention of the legal systems of the retrocession; blue boxing love with a washing machine, ghost 7 full moon chopped 2 Bear Kuangzhui people, seize the two of them first kill

36: hen, a long serpent of time, two, and occasionally stealth

37: Fukatsu, wearing CC, Chunli legs CD shorter, high stiffness

38: Blue boxing, will fall from the sky, attention to jump

39: Male diffuse, general

41: cock, a lot of strong small robot awakening

42: Assassin, will be cloned into three subdivided gone, slag, not assassin skills will be dark soul wave shuriken Necronomicon complain

43: Assassin gets exorcism enough blood to a certain amount of change, and repeatedly jump to hit to kill the dog she appeared

44: ghost sword, pseudo-West Lan, S & P hit triple Jianqi, beaten chance of Jianqi

45: Two female machinery, up to the G1, strong winds, awakening, but not aimed at

46: Valkyrie, unlimited Thang Long, no CD, two of Thang Long, the pain of EX, not the effect

47: M Street Fighter, unlimited poison shadow needle rotation rejection needle

48: gilded, off the phoenix, be careful not to Yingkang

49: Magic, ice car almost 0CD, long duration, speed, ice car to break her to get off, to take the opportunity to attack, playing the best that she could not summon the ice car ice a big success damage

51: (in other scenes) magician: will build a large tracking meteorite fall down from the sky black hole, and hair skills DOT. But the painful beat. The play is simple, as long as it has been running, she strokes the meteorite itself consume dead, the meteorite not run straight, run round and round pressure, be careful not to tear down by the elements.

52: Peony, throw mine standing stiff, air-launched, got up and shock wave.

53: Summons, sacrifice and pain, seems the same crowded bus. Wizard lower and upper, there tetra and the Goblin King, be careful not to hit her sacrifice.

54: ghost sword, group Zhao mice, stone flies, small spiders, very sick, itself no highlights around the soldier hit him body.

55: double blue Fist, two rooms, the first room of blue boxing is weak, but do not effect the small blood of Gemini Rings effective. The second BOSS is the enhanced version, do not keep thinking in the first layer, or was he hit may scrap it.

56: Mini assassin, arc flash no CD, cry less guns on the ground skills ...

57: the huge male Sanda, attack defense blood, slow the instantaneous step soon, of course, not floating, do not effect.

58: Dark Road, will disperse, unlimited fly swatter, low damage farms

59: Summon the will-call three-color Genie, green plus blood, blue full-screen frozen red amp explosions, summon summoned dragons and the Black Knight, must pay attention to the red explosion have to be careful, blue frozen green plus she blood, multi mill will also be green disappear.

61: Chakra Hand of God, the awakening of its own DOT. Not move allows him awakening own consumption of dead

62: Male Nen Master, the big suck .... after sucking male lion roars, the distance range of 45 degrees was dizzy, and sucked to give his blood, pay attention to the summons. . One of the difficulties.

63: Assassin, behind the size of two Xuejian large fly up and hit you, chase you into blood whirlpool small, the assassin will throw colored bifida empty dart.

64: Deathly Hallows, will be called the ghost evil spirits (evil spirits will tie you down with his back to flutter over) Necro Barak skills

65: element 5, put the the Snowman also Ray spin and the Scarecrow, very annoying

66: Street Fighter, the tarsal maggots like terrorist militant, super-fast, but also around itself off the Black Thunder, but little threat will nets, net to the threat and immune fire ice optical properties attack, to the blood will be probably 12 M Street Fighter awakening and throwing garbage, garbage thrown into the basic waste, MISS super high distance opened playing attention to the net and awakening, do not fly from his head over at the foot across, garbage caught nightmare of a dark properties and property skills grinding.

67: Women's Valkyrie, the venue not hit 5 explosion followed the players walk the ball (with to Fukatsu Lightning Dance), she will be awakening and judo brutal collision. Little threat

68: Trainer Bellatrix, will be called Ice tiger blood cat, Goblin, Red Dog, the very skills layer, do not hit the animal, otherwise she would freak the transfiguration goddess your life red cat and so on animal and at the same time will be mad summon the average person to die. When you do not hit the animal, she will not attack you, only chase you, but no attack skills.

69: the wretched head men diffuse, ultra-fast running speed, indiscriminately seconds shot per 2S in place to generate blood elves, players can not eat, he summons can eat .... (summon, mechanical, Necro laughed), some the class pressure is not small

71: kill his soul, ancient to wear 3?! Various array of special high-level purple array can put away a few the EX tombstone common tombstone.

72: unidentified men big gun, opening batter: EX thorn bomb-BBQ-grenade batter - Sniper - Awakening, Quantum. Note the opening awakening after the revision resistance to ultra-high four properties. Note warfare using attribute attacks better. More difficult to layer

73: unidentified female Ranger, opening plot, high blood back (basic beat to death, Cross knife like a mighty six bullets) are issued only to a chance seckill you escaped or did not happen to die 6 times She committed suicide. Summons her bullets consumption, either wanted a way to cheat off her six rounds of ammunition, another roundhouse kick painful, sometimes got up wave was overthrown, can lie to her got up and wave crouch then liar bombs, but lied to get up wave when the attention she got up and spinning kicks, farther away.

74: female Nen Master, two covers, the ultrashort CD Ray Long, newly hatched dragon will be a straight line out, and then came back to chase you, immune optical properties attacks, flowers, apocalyptic nightmare, put the dragon go break her body best attention to break cover.

75: red eye, awakening and EX anger, anti-high point Greatsword cut is also painful, chasing people, careful killed you, not the effect.

76: Revenge, your head will hang a death Chun, APC does not float, fell to the ground, grasping skills will be more than one paragraph, the long-range attack, or warfare. No pressure

77: Assassin, somehow the trick monsters, goblins, dark curse cats, Ngau Tau soldiers, the Black Whirlwind Scarecrow, Ice Dragon Figure female green name, Shiren dying would put the Aga Gonzalez Amaterasu.

78: unidentified men and machinery, the person opening the plot, CD, Black Rose, but also a sense of power Ray and silver bullet, I thought he was ammunition can be little robot side of his face betrayed him deeply. Note that the Rose clan warfare.

79: Asura, six hand. Opening awakening, very cool awakening. . . Opening directly ran folding neck broken his awakening. . Thus, a relaxing

81: hen, winds can recruit two blue robot, airdrop put awakening when you are going to die, but you can escape the stress-free, and will take the EZ-10 blew, you want to deal with is the sky two aircraft .

82: cursed cross (Maken a class of things) with a gilded, smashing plus blood, will be a move to the Big Bang, on both sides of the screen you can hide, black roaring chaos plus vertigo itself as the center of the sword The array will be bleeding.

83: HUXIN elements, with two fox (not hit), the fox will put the hurt low lightning, the will of this element fox installed, EX ice wall, black ball, black holes, Night Cat, there is a unknown effect of a big black hole, not the effect

84: sand and forbearance Fighting, throwing sand If you do not hit the ground to form the sand, sometimes up sandblasting, but also cemented with sand a fat man (I love the same to avoid any injury, breaking down fat), but also threw broken spiral comet fall, broken burst immune optical properties attacks, flowers cry again.

85: The claws Necro, Aga Gonzalez, the hand of the devil (a) on the ground, and the Aga Gonzalez's ground draw knife and a small hand trick, there Necro own land, pay attention to the foot.

86: the wretched force method, dislocation broken tyrants, IAS ultrafast, else nothing, pay attention to the Y-axis movement kills.

87: leg knife Sanda, a will Batui the chopped tyrants body Male Sanda, drew out his sword and woman roaming the abyss, warfare.

88: White hand, the attack speed of the non-human, but only before transfer moves four devices (not beat) about 40S start a sustained 10S venues drop your properties, reducing your speed, but not diminished his good, EX three sections, and in addition to the optical properties of the attributes attack is very low, with no properties, can be summoned to blame best lead hatred, but a bit difficult to lead, Fukatsu no the the ghost right slot kneeling five days, with crawling skills deceleration or evade the skills to bypass him, his hard straight scary

89: Blue boxing, at first glance nothing, the name of the name, Huh? Dark, when he had a trick, hitting you critical hit a basic on seckill, distanced themselves from attention to dark, as long as no conceited generally not dead.

91: Vampire Necromancer, with three fake swine Figure mummy (tracking lightning), put their own Hyakki a three bursts track red ball, still warfare resurrected mummy.

92: Devil May Cry speeding, release, move, attack speed quickly, love Devouring ghost chopped able to put three green array, an array of ice, ghost step, far more than is fast. Immune dark attribute attack .

93: elements, Jack come annihilation of the volcano, the tragedy of the barrage of tragic, computer block Note to walk, in fact, is not difficult to

94: stealth machinery, two snakes guns, unlimited camouflage, also airport, and blood left quarter, fighting robots.

95: zombie force method, and the scar mice, like eat BUFF, eat you out of your hemocyanin often tyrants body, chasing people, distinguished state run hit, flowers ran to put her fantasy violence overcast dead more than a small, red-eye the crack wave run hit on BUFF, is not difficult.

96: Sood Ross, make it through the three minutes that cross the border, the beginning is Yat dragon sword state (no matter what means he only Raptors and EX draw his sword, threatening) love sword dance order to blunt will substitute ( black substitute, cut knife disappears, and almost Scarecrow), blunt very even people, not the effect. 3-order of 55SS ice lightsaber, hi crack wave. The random frozen final order as slaves Sword, summon a white sword, the sword will put Jianqi and draw out a sword after clearance. Most light anti very low, flowers like you can kill him directly, do other class can also be confident Cheung Yuet hide 3 minutes, another resurrection counted within three minutes, so The dead do not worry resurrection, the last second resurrection. Time delay as much as possible.

97: Big Summoner big EX Black Knight (normal 5 times larger), Lewis becomes LOLI (normal about a quarter), he put Jack Bomb and snowman larger version. No difficulty.

98: double dog blue boxing, two dogs and blue boxing awakening will exorcism, nothing else summon occupations good fight, bitten by a dog to be dangerous, opening attention directly pounced dog can kill a dog, ran kill can, but he will recruit, you need a CD only training ground warfare.

99: the strongest female fighting, the four-class EX skills. Catch you basically you're dead, high damage cost of her super low defense, need to pay attention is the opening of Poison Ivy EX, faint halo means resurrection currency and Pom class EX.

100: once welfare Excalibur, now after the revision is also difficult, and it is running Phantom, sometimes teleport around you, the attack could vertigo hit half, change shape, do not underestimate him, many of the class no control kneeling a. And immune dark attribute ghost sword, but his light anti-low optical properties of weapons can be used best.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Glacial Master: the frozen heart of strengths and weaknesses

First, we have to give a reasonable positioning Glacial Master Glacial Master is a main emphasis on output, but also to have some ability to control the magic percentage of class, requires certain inputs.

Second, I introduce the Glacial Master in each grade brush Figure

1 to 20: the main battlefield in Grand Mori, involving little Sky City, when not a full-time, more pressure, this pressure is not associated with mortality, this stage is basically impossible to death, all graphs can also be a single brush, mainly The attack is weak, resulting in brush Figure slower, requires patience.

21 to 30: the main battlefield in the sky city, involving Skyshroud Behemoth or tired at this stage, just left the ice gun, spin the gun, ice bow, the lack of a wide range of skills and strong skills, a single brush tired, the proposed team .

31 to 40: the main battlefield Skyshroud Behemoth and Dark City, this stage Icy start the rapid rise of the crushed ice and ice hammer, basically no pressure to brush most of the map, but own brush evil dragon need technology.

41 to 50: the main battlefield Princeton snow-covered and the Temple of the Fallen, the Ice Dragon has formally entered the Icy peak, you will fully appreciate the pressure? Pressure?

51 to 65: the main battlefield in heaven if Sima Er, this stage of the Glacial Master is a pleasure, can single brush Figure upgrade soon.

66 to 70: the main battlefield in heaven and sea train, which is a painful and long process, upgrade the speed is very slow, the endless variety of tasks, insist that this is the last journey.

Glacial Master skills

Glacial Master preliminary skills to the force, cooldown 3 seconds of ice gun and cooldown 5 seconds of ice crystal sword, to cope with the still very hands of mid crushed ice, is the only pre Glacial Master groups attack moves, late strengthen approaching monster release its lethal than awakening, then ice hammer, can also strengthen the main skills of the late, high hit rate, powerful cooling time is shorter, polar ice bloom this skill has strong control, the power is not great, the last ice-crushing power of ice than in front of a powerful large. Ice Dragon Dancer, is a set of control, killing sorts of stuff as one of the skills, and have a chance at the moment of the release of frozen enemy, cause to redouble injury, the shortcomings encountered tyrants body monster is the right time, Icy division the awakening completely entertainment, look cool, powerful general, however, the the passive awakening absolute good skills.

Fourth, Glacial Master equipment

Glacial Master and equipment requirements are still high as a percentage of the class. I suggest Icy intelligence flow, that is a false Canadian intelligence purple, conditionally can choose to add more intelligence, ice property enhancement, but the the Icy division of Leather 3 is up to 65 , you can go to the outsider when corpse mixed 70 of outsider equipment, strongly recommends that the the yellow dragon fighting spirit of the Ring, ten percent of the invincible Icy so fragile melee type class usefulness great right slot on the first buy ice stone.

Fifth, Glacial Master shortcomings

Glacial Master Master class as a focus on the output of the defense force inevitably low, maybe someone will say Glacial Master is not undead mage? Fact, a Glacial Master of immortality skills are getting smaller and smaller in the latter role, especially for ancient map, the ancient map immortality cooldown substantially extended completely tasteless skills and Glacial Master defense force brings a sad reminder of the Glacial Master Brush ancient map can only rely on strong output, the ancient map of Glacial Master is a little more difficult I now a civilian population fitted only over the ruins and mechanical cow, moaning and if Yi Peila a little more difficult, and often death, ghosts and wild boar basically had no hope, of course, I personally hand speed, because I rarely brush ancient not familiar with the ancient Figure outsider Figure single brush is impossible, must be someone with the brush deaths also have certain risk killed may last several layers.

Sixth, Glacial Master advantages

Glacial Master in the early basically there is no fear for their lives, and as long as the patient, can basically single brush of any plan alive the boss grinding death, and Glacial Master class as a high-output, single brush the ancient a little pressure, but as long as there is a partner, preferably human shields, that brush any graphs are stress-free, even if it is the outsider Figure Glacial Master of output are scary, some chart Glacial Master is paradise, the most classic example is the cyan dragon, yellow dragon, I brush yellow dragon is opening an ice drill push the enemy side of ring, and then was arrested specialty ice guns, ice crystal sword, ice bow turns assaulting basically a set of playing did not play each other on frozen into the ice. block, and then crushed ice hammer down enemy at least ten, I often directly blocked, of course, this method is only used for the yellow dragon most heroes and cyan dragon small part of the hero, but over there does not limit the undead skills, Glacial Master is absolutely no cost Fig.  guild wars 2 gold

Seventh, Glacial Master pk elegance

Glacial Master or pk field compared to the force, far to near, but fragile, so the need of post moves, rather restrained bloody devil, Juggernaut, General, afraid of the big guns, flowers, Street Fighter, etc. can not be and they confront the Glacial Master advantage of its mobility and strong destruction, the other chasing you around the world to run when (the devil most will do it), suddenly place an ice crystal sword about as long as the encounter stiffness effect is enough by then set even half his blood is gone, if he can not chase you, then remote wretched him to death.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Dragon Nest Typhoon gold ordinary lair novice strategy

Dragon Nest open 60 nests for some time, a lot of players 60 lair huge booty clearance put 60A suit. So only hope Citie helpful to those who have not yet mastered the friends of the 60 ordinary lair clearance techniques.

The 60 ordinary Lair is actually very simple, and I will explain in detail some, if the team is not very high output, it is necessary a good grasp of skills.

Typhoon gold lair normal mode:

First: the relationship unusual BOSS Garden Dinka Rand and orcs Guo

The first pull the little monsters Guo output basic non-professional to pull, grasp the hands of the ritual, magic shackles, LORI Dementors. Specific analysis to see the team at the time. The mobs pulled to the upper right corner next to the big trees, let the little monsters to BOSS plus blood plus BUFF props can see RP saying, do not destroy the right of some high grass.

Other three full output BOSS, to pay close attention to the skills, of which there are several skills particularly high injury: 1 Charge drug wave: BOSS covered with green gas, looks like shaped, about 3 seconds poison wave broke outward diffusion circle type. Skip the the poison the wave or Paoyuan point line. Do not escaped after the effect, accompanied poison wave will be a poisonous mushroom, basically you will be able to smash, but poisonous mushroom explosion is very painful. Poisonous mushroom bombs: BOSS will throw a lot of poisonous mushrooms, careless is not even dead, just as it ran always hiding behind the BOSS or run far enough will be able to escape. Charge swept: BOSS swept Dingpa be hit is DOT will be able to escape the rapidly moving to next. In addition the BOSS also a Qing the BUFF's plowing skills. Therefore, the "milk" you have to pay attention to the plus BUFF plus blood. Fight easy points.

Finished killing BOSS go room to get Setaria If you did not get the third, below there will be a detailed explanation. There are likely to get hit hidden checkpoints artillery shells, which will appear on the map in one of four locations, this room is a location, the following three locations will be introduced one by one in the following paragraphs.

The second hurdle: Orc Park and steamer.

The steamer continue to scroll forward and bumped person on seckill, so to this need sufficient output and skills. This is divided into 5 small pieces off analysis.

Paragraph 1: The second hurdle mark turning in front of the first subparagraph. Do not waste the steamer out skills delusions to move forward, this invisible barrier. Out of the steamer, ran to the front of the back playing, to control the strange such as Time shackles, to grasp the hand of provocation, Archer can put flowers. Remember that any occupation, especially the soldiers not to monster hit inside the fence next to, and so increase the difficulty. The steamer can also seckill the monster, this steamer to get rid of the monster monster hit outside. Cleaned up the little monster, the fence will be open. Left corner of the front chest wall switch, then another group steamer started from here, hands and feet must be fast.
Paragraph 2: no intermittent followed in paragraph 2. Or the use of the above skills, but do not kill the little monster but control. Seize the time to break the kitchen walls, gravity ball the heraldic skills so that the wall to break into the kitchen to escape the steamer. Best not to eat the food in the kitchen, do not let the chef ran out or close to a wall (the steamer can seckill chef), so that by the fourth off the heat, cooks came to help throw a lot of plus HP MP food . Here also the shells appear in two locations. This slow a slow skills CD, you can go out and open the chest steamer disappeared.

Paragraph 3: standing on the fence, another group steamer started behind. 345 segments to be completed in one go. The fence open or in accordance with the previously described control monster kill monster, this little monster.

Paragraph 4: there will be a blood thick monster. Recommendations provocation the monster pull away from the fence, time acceleration to control and blame the full output. This period in a side fence will confuse the vision of the third crossing, so the team members to distinguish a good direction.

Paragraph 5: the end of the corridor there is a security room. As long as the control of the monster, then efforts to break the walls, the players hid in to. Orc Park also can hide, and then to the fifth off a protective cover. And here also the shells appear three locations.

This off only steamer seckill, there is no big problem with the good will to escape.
Third: Saiyan Orc gold.

Three waves to this strange and Zhesi also emitting gas and booms, the last outbreak of the vitality bomb. The first three seconds of ejected gas and shock to the screen will appear the words "Orc gold spray gas. Teammates to observe the action of the Orc gold, jumped up and avoid injury, gas radially, the the upper left corner of the upper right corner of the map will not be sprayed directly onto, if sprayed into reverse.

The first batch of monsters: these are small monster, it is easy to get.

The second batch of monsters: these monsters have two long black wings monster will put the tracking black heart (charm), mutual hurt teammates will be in the black heart, so pay special attention to.

Three batches of monsters: At this time there will be a few hard-shell monster, more laborious.

If the first hurdle to get to scratching the reeds like to say, if you did not get the best to leave a little monster, so his teammates can slow big recruit CD. Then within 18 seconds Orc gold resolved out-break, only with the "invincible status" in the lower right corner of the map after this off so after the third batch of strange shells appear in four locations.
Fourth: anger great blacksmith Li Linte. BOSS ordinary fire attacks launched better hide, pay attention to both sides to sway, and then the full output. Front kitchen where no stealing, the chef did not die in this off will come out to help, the state lost plus blood plus blue plus food, teammates will safe a lot of milk, then to ensure that the chef not to be burned to death. Focus on that dawn when the BOSS will launch the seckill the National People's Congress strokes BOSS, the BOSS around gravitational teammates to strongly run out, the dark days of when you want to jump up to avoid injury, do not close the BOSS remote output hammer ground attack if it hammer to the bone broken ribs fold life alas.

Get rid of BOSS, front to get the shells open hidden barriers on the fort fired by two people, one person to the upper one person lower, the stop fired as long as the peg to a point on the road to it is easy to be left out of the destroyed 22 Christmas orcs, get a GOOD score to the last open Christmas chest.

Fifth: Aiko, such as life Typhoon gold

If team output is not very high, it would need to escape, the output by one word - grinding. 5X blood typhoon gold is basically a general attack, rushed pick swept earthquake kick flutter blowing these strokes basic hands carefully observed easily escape. BOSS will launch into the 4X blood poly magic, the on-screen prompts, as long as the station to Orc gold mask of three brothers, the yard will be able to escape the BOSS's full-screen lightning, Orc three brothers will say: "Ouch! Dad ... Dad ... you light point! " The map is slightly enlarged, red dot is the position of the Orc three brothers, you can easily stand to cover house. If not timely to cover house, the Saints can put miracle plus sacred shield is safe, do not be gathered together magic time to give small Orc shackles or glaciers. 3X blood BOSS will launch a guillotine, the prompts on the screen, a prelude to the emergence of a strong suction possible players to go long, this time picked up a typhoon BOSS. Typhoon Typhoon gold fame technology, similar to the Typhoon fighters, but tracking hatred for some time. Typhoon hands posture first bow legs screwed to the body backwards and then wheeled the Death Scythe observe hands posture can advance prevention. Soldiers with Typhoon gold front put typhoons, results will happen? Soldiers put Typhoon hard straight not floating, so small BOSS Typhoon fighters hurt, the soldiers typhoon the output still very sharp. 3X blood BOSS will trample the volley crit Garay electricity sharp moves, high injury but also a sense of power, especially milk occupational careful sense of power players to pay attention to interrupt blood stick.

Overall, not difficult, seconds strokes better hide, team master skills, not instant success, the occupation with the proper, grinding dead typhoon gold easily.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Dedicated to 8% property attack, or 5.75% of the panel attack enchant fans

A lot of people like to attribute attack piled high. Queen, a little bit of equipment, basically dark are more than sixty to seventy percent.

Heap so high attributes, so many properties for 5.75% of the panel bargain at it? Before have been studied such problems, I'm here to give a relatively simple formula:

Let the character panel A character attribute attack percentage of B, then the columns of an inequality: A (1 + B +8%)

B = 39.13%. That when you attribute the attack reached more than 39% of you will not need two rings and two weapons FM and then ended up 8%, not improved significantly, even total damage will reduced. However, based on the attribute attack this factor mantissa eat, when B = 39.13% the attributes attack advantage or slightly larger than the panel of attack, are not the same because of the vocational skills mantissa, pull through a proportion when considering 2% that when you attribute attacks reached more than 41%, the rings and weapons FM5.75% FM8% attribute attack is more cost-effective.

Next to several typical career as an example:

1. elements. When you attack the attributes has reached more than 41%, Ring weapons FM5.75%, than FM fire and water cost-effective. Not to mention the 5.75% but also more than a 4.5% agility;

2. Pastor. Such as the cross, own 25% of the decision aura, then your light attack simply heap to 16% can be. Yes, you're not wrong, If your light attack reaches more than 16%, then you do not tangle the Ring and weapons FM! Often and worship brush map with the team, then your property is inside the FM 46 %, then your dual weapons and dual rings FM completely can be 5.75% instead! worship and Sage empathy;

3. cats weapons vocational. Heap dark because the cat weapons vocational itself is discarded main weapons or staves panel attacks, special, do not discuss;

Common FAQ:

1, Q: final injury will affect this ratio?

A: Does not affect. Can eventually damage the panel, attribute attack multiplicative total inequality both sides about out.

2, Q: I have 41% of the attributes attack, is not what I can not heap attributes tapping out?

A: If you can, of course, still have to heap. Here are just a choice of two rings, two weapons FM, 8% property and 5.75% panel.

3, Q: Is there any special circumstances?

A: Yes. I think only a special case ----- forces cross. This addition does not eat because of the force Cross outbreak output is that the addition of the incarnation of the trial of the magic attack attack, 5.75% FM. Such as 8000 and 10000 Although it seems there is a difference of 25%, but in the trial of the incarnation is 24000 and 26000 Magic attack attack in the city magic, the gap is less than 9% (assuming the power of the cross wisdom is very low, does not consider the wisdom behind the magic attack bonus). Force Cross eaten more effective than eat panel. Therefore, for the power of the cross, the higher the strength, the higher the importance of light.

4, Q: 17% of the fatal blow value enumerated?

A: There is also not considered a single attack fatal or double-tapping deadly FM considered only 5.75%. If you count the fatal blow, attribute attack more than 41%, 5.75% +17% Crit FM advantage than 8% of the property attack more obvious. DN inside the the FM dual attack fatal likely to far less than the the FM Properties attack 8% chance, and this is not unreasonable, because it is more valuable.

5, Q: After more than a copy of considering BUFF addition will not influence the conclusions?

A: the panel plus BUFF two: Relentless Strikes and battle roar. The relentless full level plus 18% of the panel attacks battle roar full level bonus 1542 fixed panel attack, then considered ruthless, the original formula can become: A (1 +18%) (1 + B + 8%).

Monday, November 19, 2012

The dark spatial brush figure plus points as well as civilians assembly

I began to adhere to the time and space from T3, now know the Master is to retrieve Magic is unwanted, but still insist on their own time and space, dedicated to those who love the space-time players.

Add a little diagram:

1. Glacial Spike: full! Increase icing probability, stacked ice, doubling the damage.

2. Rise gravity: First, control field, the second consumption shackles CD. . .

3. Flashed, a floating transfer, all escape skills full!

4. Mirror, acceleration, summon comet, broken light rain, laser to disperse full main output skills!

5. Ramp 1, shackles 4 black hole control field. Some say deceleration, shackles brush Figure no use, according to personal preference ....

6. Shaped laser Zhan Zhuang is flawed, but nine laser EX can also points six poly laser EX ... not plucked 6 points added Shaped Laser and EX.

7. 40 trick: First disperse, my cat stick time and space - giving power and comes with protective cover, then the meteor shower. Clean Monster nirvana. Difficult to fight the case in a lot of little monsters, range, the 40 big strokes output is also higher.

Skills Emblem: Dark Shrine, light rain, laser crushing acceleration time

The civilian equipment Tyrant disregard

1: Equipment articles

1, the first sunset lion scorpion Staff! Good appearance, dark space-time must-enchant intellectual dark (cat stick 40A Staff with put properties the attack converted into dark attribute)

2, ①, 6 pieces of glory. Been used 60S, at least six months.

The ② glory of ibid., with 60A bulk Orb.

Suffix: head for wisdom, hands and feet of life, weapons and dark magic bucket can.

Enchant: sensitive body HP Minzhi HP the chi of HP, will do ...

Weapon enchant: Of course it is dark.

The enhanced level armor to see the economic strength (6 to the right), but the weapons or at least in my opinion, is the main 9 8.

2: jewelry articles

1, jewelry: earrings, necklaces, strong intellectual dark, Enchant intelligence chi of HP

2, Ring: 60 tips jewelry, 2700 fatal whole, property 3.8 ,Enchant intellectual dark

60 fatal ring enchants dark

Sablon L ring enchants 4.3 dark

Al Jacinta Ring L enchant 4.3 dark

The the ring depends election, recommended is a ring skills and practical! Cheaper! A 2700 deadly, a pair of rings is over 5000 fatal!

3: heraldic

You heap dark ultimately did not need to, not with the final board, it is very expensive things, you have nothing!

Iron wall, curtain, health, life, high winds, deadly magic, wisdom

In addition, all weapons, rings with dark, all the best with agile intellect dark.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Guild Wars 2 update content on November 15- Guardian

Courageous Return: This trait now uses the correct icon.

Power of the Virtuous: This trait now uses the correct icon.

Protector's Strike: Fixed a bug that allowed this skill to be cancelled and retain the blocking benefits.

Shield of Judgment: This skill's protection duration has been set to 3 seconds from 5 seconds in PvP only.

Orb of Light: This skill's velocity has been increased by 50%.

Empower: This skill's might duration increased from 8 seconds to 10 seconds.

Merciful Intervention: This skill has been updated to be instant when traited and will now always be based around the guardian.

Selfless Daring: This trait had an efficiency with healing power that was reserved for healing skills only and has now been reduced to its intended level. Heal scaling has been reduced by 50% in PvP only.

Guild Wars 2 gold

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Gilded ancient wasteland experience take a look to prepare for new outsider

For half a year, I went through two versions of the new outsider.

The first version of the new outsider before the innovation. This is the new outsider not one of the hardest version, and BUG very much. When I and a few friends on wasteland in this version, the earliest hit a scorched earth K difficult to 25 points, Bakar K should more than 15 points, directly omitted.

The second version is the current version is a revision of the innovative. Now should be regarded as a more balanced version, Magic Resistance value requirements, respectively, for the N300, E450, M600, K750. Monster's blood is too few, and later with the new EX passive skills, coupled with revised and new props, the difficulty of this version is simpler for the previous version a lot.

So here only to the current version, i.e. the second version discussed.

Ancient ancient 2, each room has some skills. These Raiders in a coffee shop, this is no longer discussed. Of course, wasteland, you need two to three teammates. The suggested foursome, I feel more so that the falling number of the BOSS room, but Green were swap rate. In this version, each Green name drop 1-2 foursome BOSS falling 2-4, the trio basically 1-2 this.

The falling equipment for all professional randomized, that is, all the professional equipment are likely to fall.

Dropped the equipment can be divided into two categories: suits and parts.

It is worth mentioning is that the the ancient ancient wasteland different.

Ancient 2, we are taking all the parts, and then replaced by their own Armor Proficiencies parts, the last change to the spare parts and packages of his career.

Ancient, gilded only wear the uncle of spare parts. That is, the the gilded can not wear Asura plate armor, but in blue boxing, revenge, exorcism equipment, including jewelry and left and right slots.

Let us talk about parts of it.

Gilded wasteland, Uncle career ranks, should take all parts of Uncle career first put on the heap Kangmo value. Then fight all replaced exorcism Plate, then evolutionary into golden statue Plate. Jewelry and around slot to get the other three professional parts temporarily. Spare parts is no special attributes, but the parts you can play two breath. Gilded atmosphere only playing their own parts.

The atmosphere is divided into three types: red, blue, green.

Red plus skill damage, blue less skill CD, Green is the special effects. Specific values ??of a lot of information here is not to summarize.

The two hit the atmosphere is not the same, but it can be the same color. For example, you can play two green, breath of different skills, but you can not play two green honor blessing.

Here are two ways to open up wasteland breath play:

1. Green honor blessing, plus green angel blessing or weapons blessings which a player's career depends on your team.

2. A set of the Green Honor blessings single breath, set of weapons blessing blessings of double plus angel breath. Set more suitable for a full range of people willing to change.

Personally recommend the first play. After all, the ancient suit relatively ancient 2 is easier to collect, these parts are over-used.

Beginning the goal should be to put on a single breath parts gilded Plate. In other words, if you get a spare parts, as long as playing a breath excessive enough. If dual breath broken loss to the Magic Resistance, for land reclamation is not worth the effort. Moreover, single multi-fight a breath for auxiliary gilded enhance is not great. As for the success rate of double breath, that entirely luck, but about 1/6.

Gilded three sets: sets of vows, mind sets and call sets victory.

The vows sets and mind sets are good things. Each set of 11, nine sets will be able to suit effect. Shops selling suit shoes (250 fragments) and rings (170 pieces), a task clent that can buy the main quest will send a self-selected package necklace, a bit like the ancient 2, however, and the ancient 2 different tasks, this suit necklace tasks can only be done once, can do twice ancient suit task. So, the selection must be cautious.

Talk to buy suit shoes and ring fragments. The debris start about three kinds:

1. To do repetitive tasks. Hit the 6 Green name and BOSS drop extradimensional crystalline able to change to a debris. Average daily change 1-2 fragments.

2. The outsider green name and BOSS fall. Per person per day to get 10 fragments.

3. Double breath failed in 3 parts, equipment will disappear and you will get a certain amount of debris.

The number of fragments obtained with the enhanced level of your equipment.

For example, non-intensive parts dual breath failed, will get a debris. +7 Parts dual breath fails, you will get 10 fragments. +3 Seems broken after three fragments. Broken parts is a way of quickly out of the suit. People found +7 after broken ideal. Course, Tyrant of course also on 10 and then double-breath broken.

If parts of the scarlet letter, first solution Scarlet Letter before breath.

Suit shoes and suit the ring does not fall only buy. Set necklace drop.

Finally, talk about two topics that people are most concerned about it.

Many people are very concerned about ancient 3 how long to brush each day.

Ancient each figure can only enter twice daily. Beginning wasteland may be a long time, it is estimated that kick down all six games ranging from 60-90 minutes. To the back, and all equipment are up only takes 45-60 minutes a day almost. I and my teammates precepts only brush the top 5 chart, because the BOSS not demand, then probably about as long as three minutes a. Scorched earth and Bakar are 2-4 minutes.

Last is about Kit critical chance.

I believe a lot of people here are directed at the in mind 9 and vow 9. Ancient than those of the ancient good start. Let's just say, I search for ancient equipment, books and equipment used to find over 6100. To search ancient 3 equipment furnished book, more than 250 parts and a large set of hundreds of pieces. And ancient 3, it should be every day parts being credited. So the the ancient expectation value or higher.

Should still be asking, How many people have nine sets? The new outsider to open six months, many players adhere brush has nine sets was also reached 11 sets. The I ranks Cry, his only brush for two and a half months, has reached a perfect 9. I brush the half year, vow sets 10/11, only a thin shoulder pad. Unfortunately, until a few days ago, we discovered ancient 3 BUG? light armor, heavy armor and a professional board Shoulders does not fall. The player has to write a report to the Crown the BUG? but have to wait for the official solution. Otherwise, I think I should have reached the 11/11 vow sets. Mind sets are only wild weapons, magic stone and tops, even if two plus shops also only five. And the Sorcerer's Stone and weapons are not a good position, so the actual available only 3/9.

The conclusion is that, in ancient 3 suit is entirely luck. Has been, I believe, if we continue down that one day, you will get all the packages you want.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Update EX strengthen skills, exorcism class detailed analysis

Non-contractual allocation must be elements EX is broken magic 2, White Tiger, pressed 1, Black Hand, a total of 11 points, and the remaining 10 points. The rest of the Suzaku character, lightning, dark cutting trade-offs. As for heaven, this is never an output skills. Let us first look at the the skills data (are no contract)

Full level of dark cutting data 983 to 1179% +590%, EX +12% damage per level, build gas time-0.1S. 50 school, full level 3. Full level dark cutting +3 EX data 1337 to 603% +802%. Dark cutting no EX largest reservoir gas data 1769% dark cutting EX, the largest reservoir gas data 2405% the Suzaku operator is 983% +7401 (Independent 1130). EX +12% damage per level. 50 school, full level 3. Full level Suzaku character +3 EX data is 1337% +10065 (1130 independent, 65 pink + points full independence, forging 3)

Base weapon attack 893 (760 +3 * 18 +67 +12), 7401 fixed damage translated into a percentage of the 7401/893 * 100% = 828%, 1127% 10065 fixed damage translated into a percentage, the higher the base weapon attack , later translated the less percentage of base weapon attack low and vice versa. Suzaku character not EX, the data is 1811% -5433% Suzaku breaks out EX data is 2464% -7392%.

Lightning 510% for 10 seconds, attack interval 0.9S, EX each level +10% damage, duration +1 S. 65 can learn learn two non-contractual, the full level lightning +2 level EX data is 612%, for 12 seconds, attack interval 0.9S.

Lightning not EX, the number of attacks is 12 (10/0.9 +1), the cumulative damage is 6120% -18,360%, falling mine the EX, the number of attacks is 14 times (12/0.9 +1), the cumulative damage is 8568% - 25,704%.

First, Suzaku symbol is not playing group monster, than there is no advantage of cutting with the dark, the percentage is basically flat, but the fire strong innate low light intensity, and EX Dark Cut instantaneous effects, followed by a drop-Ray CD time can put three Suzaku character Suzaku character of injury is less than 1/3 of the drop-Ray, and TP than lightning spend 2:00, so the the Suzaku contrast lightning is also a total defeat.

Suzaku character is the first out of the game, and then darkness cut with drop the contrast of the mine operator.

If the dark cutting out the EX, is certainly prepare for the future, so you want to count the soul 6 30% damage in addition, the largest reservoir gas data 3126%, you count the the instantaneous effects if monomer monster dark cutting certain advantages, but if the group of monsters were finished blasting lightning, after the law drives are basically mixed the new outsider, the new outsider monomer monster, so the team there is no strong control need law to drive the soul of their own to wear 6 do control, the proposal is still full of dark cutting.

If the team already have strong control law drives the task is output at this time law flooding is wearing unlimited broken magic sets of, this time to put dark cutting the contrary, is to reduce damage, this time off the mine had the advantages of the, because lightning only needs a break the magic release time.

A lightning than a broken magic output, and lightning out of the EX, you can just stay in a 4 points EX the broken magic white tiger to the contract. Of course, if it is a contract, Blackhand EX can only out a used used to gather strange, or 1130 independent full level Blackhand +3 EX data only 7932 +15865, converted into a percentage of 2664% percentage than Hama output low, so it can only be used only as a gathering monster.


Mainly new outsider wear soul to strengthen the case of self-control, it is recommended that the dark cutting EX 4 points remaining TP keep when there is a contract to break the magic white tiger, or the point of full EX lightning. Figure brush strange group-based, or wear the infinite broken magic sets, the proposed lightning out of EX, 6 points remaining TP keep the magic white tiger +2 level Blackhand break the contract.

Of course, the law drive nothing particularly good poly monster skills, EX lightning is not particularly important, will have to see specific dependence on instantaneous dark cutting lightning full EX is also a good choice considering the dark cutting + Blackhand a pull monster like.

If it is a contract to send, EX 3 break magic, three white tiger, a suppression of a black hand, the remaining 6 points with the above analysis, cutting 2 lightning with darkness.

Finally, again additional soul 9 properties.

[Soul Redeemer]

Set Effect (03)

[Break magic character more than the number of attacks +1] Attack +15% [broken magic character] [broken Sigil MP consumption -30%

[Shikigami: White Tiger cooling time -20% [Shikigami: White Tiger] Attack +15%

(06) Set Effect

Cooling time of -0.3 seconds [broken magic character] [broken magic character] Attack +10% broken magic character] cast stiff degrees -20%

[Dark Cut] ATK +30% [Dark Cut] maximum Charge time -40%

[Shikigami: basaltic cooling time -20% [Shikigami: true ? basaltic cooling time -10% [Shikigami: pole ? basaltic] elite, rare, lord abyss demons crawl +200%

(09) Set Effect

[Shikigami: White Tiger] cooling time -1 sec [Shikigami: White Tiger] ATK +60% [Shikigami: White Tiger] duration -4 seconds [Shikigami: White Tiger] vitality +40%, shorten the white tiger placed interval

As a side note, the 3 EX darkness cutting instantaneous, Hama + dark cutting off to trick this small welfare.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Science knowledge: you do not know the pharmacist

Science knowledge, suitable for the novice, and also to those who do not understand the people of Pharmacy.

Major alchemical page

The poison gas Shaped: dodge + poison gas Shaped, then dodge, dodge + poison gas Shaped + dodge, take the step 2 again dodge, a large amount of displacement. Poison gas Shaped + dodge, do not point the left mouse button, now BUG poison shaped + dodge ice boxing then there is no Phantom.

Fire Fist: breaking tyrants body of fire boxing is not very high, but good knock effect.

Ice boxing: the hands tyrants Icefist body high, break out very low hegemony body.

Grass magic: magic grass ice attack icing, this is the legend of the RP ice, so put 4 Phantom when magic the grass can raise the probability of RP ice. When ice Ling ignore.

Sacrifice: sacrifice now better release, released when the the magic grass being put skills or relatively close from the monster can sacrifice. The sacrifice effect may be a delay, do not worry. Sacrifice plus much blood.

Injection: Pharmacy reason why survival is high, not because the cure flow, but because of the jet. In addition, the card injection principle, from the jet, the amount of damage you caused to the end of injection to increase the blood, so that there were more things to help you play more, plus blood, just a magma wall main card blood manner.

Snow sky; effect snow sky tour less anti-ice, and ice spirits can not be superimposed, duration 6S point high 8S.

Diseases, diseases of the poison preach exposed to want to throw far points Please transferred to a 45-degree angle of view, very far.

Practice deception: the ice claws IQ is very low, so I want to please when close to the monster put ice claws blood, and is very low, but not easy to hit it, the other will not immediately disappear after the ice claws are destroyed, but given where it does not move do not attack. Time will disappear.

Mixed infection: high capacity, large droplets break tyrants body save poison bundles, ice bundle essential.

Poison storm: super broken tyrants body, breaking skills. Talk about drug violence breaking skills principle. Lair strange blood underneath a yellow slip of paper, called a hard straight, hard smashed straight skill broken, generally BOSS to between 30 to 50 hard straight rip about seven skills. Hard straight before a layer of super armor, so no matter how hard you hit hard straight, no less poison storm layer super armor is destroyed, then you can impress hard straight, so said basically that require continuous release The skills are so broken broken will stop after skills and hard straight super armor fill up. For example Dragon Dragon's Breath, Callahan full-screen, Typhoon Gold Typhoon. So off. Instantaneous skills is basically broken down.

The icicle release: as the main outbreak skills, put love virus put icicle release before the snow sky and diseases EX.

The most important pharmacists column.

Love virus: the last test the effect of the virus of love, I make a simple summary of the hit after the other can not hit you, release skills, love must play in the human body will be effective, summons, you must hit the summon The physical body can have effects. Healed, miracles can not function, Carly puppet please hit the people who will be effective.

Cure stream: cure stream not just the blood skills a plus, but when vindictive purification healed use. When tied, bound, can be used to cure flow Qingdiao the PK when all the negative BUFF can be cleared away. In addition, the cure streams can be cleared Callahan fullscreen frozen green dragon fight pillars deceleration, the deceleration of the Dragon, a sense of power of the typhoon, you can save yourself that lightning typhoon tracking. Others tied can not save. In other words, the cure for the flow with the combined effect of the cure and heal and vindictive purification.

Injection EX: the jet EX range becomes large, only the needle a little bit of range becomes a circular from the injection point to the person behind the range, and with the adsorption effect.

Disease EX: plus 20% of the damage is not explained.

Monday, November 12, 2012

The T62A accessories, advantages and disadvantages

62 lit up and played nearly 200 games, I am not a master, but do not belong to hang type. Briefly introduce 62 accessories, advantages and disadvantages.


1, Powerful rate of fire, plus ventilation, ramming filling machine can reach about 5.57 seconds, if coupled with a band of brothers ... super-fast shooting speed made him extraordinary DPM.

2, The adaptability of the track is very good, 62A mobile excellent shooting ability is followed, in a move that circle basically not spread very good accuracy.

3, 400m horizons, although in the 10 car, this is not too bright spots, but still a great improvement compared to the S series cars.

4, Hidden value, 0.37 hidden, the other car did not

Course have advantages also have disadvantages, 62A The biggest drawback is the 580 horsepower, 580 horsepower plus rapid 50 Although there has been a high level of hidden value, but can not be used the first time lighting makes this car...

Although there are very high DPM single damage is not flattering ... Fortunately, the the 62A rate of fire is basically to make up for this shortcoming.

Accessories are mainly two:

With Ramming Device, ventilation, vertical stabilizer.

With high light, ventilation, vertical stabilizer

Roughly, is both not comment. Generally people will hesitate in the choice of these two. My accessories first, the pursuit of the ultimate output, the following will explain why so equipped.

Position 62A battlefield. Some people will think 62A as a medium tank, its main task lighting mainly took the opportunity around the other side back, supplemented, but for 62A for doing so is just wishful thinking.

62A of the engine thrust-weight and rapid doomed it is not like 54 can across the battlefield. Lighting the 62A start can not be the first time to lighting only looking for a place to squat illegal guns.

As for accessories, I think that the 62A's engine thrust-to-weight since not like 54, across the battlefield as lighting, it would limit the play to its strengths, remove the high light, the pursuit of the ultimate output a extraordinary 62A of the DPM play to the limit, so that the other fighting when will the rhythm lies in their own hands, and is also the largest possible to make up for the 62A low single injury, the amount of fill quality, best when the battle with the other head, after all, 62A armor is weak, the use of 62A solve the case his armor circumvention As for around HT TD, best around those slow, after all, the speed of 62A does not, in fact, 62A operation is to use his hidden to fight.

Staff skills, five skills:

Motormen: bulbs, investigation, Band of Brothers, repair, situational awareness

Gunner: repair, labor stability, Band of Brothers, concealed deadly blow

The driver: repair, as easily as walking on firm earth, Band of Brothers, hidden, accelerate the shift towards

The loader: repair, structured immortality, Band of Brothers, hidden, most drastic

This is what I expected 5 skill addition, the hidden will learn 62A hidden plus hidden skills and labor stability 62A is the icing on the cake, but also some of the high 62A mobile shooting smooth driving. Stationary with turn when there is no effect. Investigation of perception and situational awareness can make up for the under 62A of the field of view, even if you go to a high light also has little effect, after all 62A does not belong to the first-line of car lighting.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Senju Rohan: Properties strengthen increase skill damage calculation method

After the despair 100th floor, open the jar open a 44 fire to strengthen the right slot, these days to do this test.

Test equipment:

1. +7 flame Hruik tears (Lv65, the most superiors, fire attribute strengthen +44, four-dimensional +59)

2. The Yadyan Tears (Lv65, most superior fire properties strengthen +11, four-dimensional +41)

3. +7 soul antibody Stone (Lv65, the top level, fire attribute strengthen +0, the four dimensional +62 (the Platinum badge  four-dimensional +6))

4. fire wizard of the Ring (Lv50, top level, fire properties of reinforced +22 Strength +33 Intellect +38 (Flame Shield the Bordier card +11 fire properties of reinforced))

5. dark wizard of the Ring (Lv50, most superior fire properties strengthen +0 Strength +35 Intellect +38)

6. Remy Diaz the Holy Grail (Lv65, most superiors, four-dimensional +29)

7. +7 Seaman Stella Song - Street Fighter (M) (Lv60 most superiors, of four-dimensional +51 (Platinum badge four-dimensional +6))

Test equipment change parts:

Auxiliary equipment and the Sorcerer's Stone, rings.

Test objects:

Pursuit of the war of annihilation hero class UM-9 electric drill is said orangutan

Equipped with the (title when unloaded):

1. Fire properties strengthen = 0: Remy Diaz holy grail of the + soul antibody Stone + Dark Faerie Ring

Strength: 1235, Intelligence: 828, physical attack force: 4506

2. Fire attribute strengthen = 11: the Yade inflammation Tears + the Seaman Stella Song - Street Fighter (M) + dark wizard Ring

Strength: 1236, Intelligence: 829, physical attack power: 4509

3. Fire properties of reinforced = 22: Remy Diaz's Holy Grail + soul antibody Stone + Ring of Fire Wizard

Strength: 1233, Intelligence: 828, physical attack power: 4500

4. Fire properties strengthen = 33: the Seaman Stella Song - Street Fighter (M) + Yadyen Tears + Fire Faerie Ring

Strength: 1234, Intelligence: 829, physical attack power: 4503

5. Fire properties strengthen = 44: Remy Diaz's Holy Grail + flame Hruik tears + Dark Faerie Ring

Strength: 1232, Intelligence: 825, physical attack force: 4497

6. Fire properties strengthen = 66: Remy Diaz's Holy Grail + the flame Hruik the tears + Ring of Fire Wizard

Strength: 1230, Intelligence: 825, physical attack force: 4491

Test Conclusion:

1. Within the range of allowable error attribute strengthen the value and harm increased proportional to the amount. In other words, an increase of 11 per ignition properties strengthen theoretically fire attribute attack damage increased by 4.5%, other properties the same attacks.

2. Bleeding, poisoning, and other abnormal state and strength, intelligence and independence ATK enhanced value has nothing to do with the property.

3. Fire attribute strengthen data = 44 and 66, slightly lower than the theoretical value, because the properties of strength and intelligence of the two tests slightly lower than strengthening = 0 value.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

WOT players U.S. Series M6 consecutive kill ideas

Along T1 heavy and M6 with its huge body, fragile body, unreasonable wear depth and injuries, car field cute bully. Some even saw on the field these two cars shouting "meat" and then set fire to crazy ~ ~

When I play these two cars have experienced very boring period of time, with the team to move forward, the first one is always found me to and not easy to escape the odd body ~ ~

Fortunately, of T1 heavy-duty as well as a 660 blood in five rooms and the car are freshening completely dead, but the case of KV-1 Black Hole Armor ~~

Then me promise most players only these two cars as T29 transition car experience, quickly brush to brush past like ~ ~

But finally one day, I found two cars, two lethal strengths - rate of fire and maneuver.

Rate of fire is an important bit for the M1A1 gun T1 heavy tank can survive in room 5, the highest rate of fire after 3.45 seconds / hair, is an enhanced version of the gun, but with a skirt A skirt armor One of the benefits is that sometimes when the shells came from the side will be interrupted by the crawler but not withhold blood ~ ~ This is the so-called "gap armored, so playing in the the five squad room or the vice squad room car was quite BUG ~ ~ when playing KV entirely a disadvantage, but to put a point of view, then the frontal armor Tiaodan rate is still very high ~ ~

T1 heavy tank fire on the biggest drawback is that wearing deep, playing KV-1 or G1B frontal armor basically did not play through the T1 heavy tank to be output high to compensate for or to rely on its good maneuverability.

T1 heavy tank, the maximum speed can reach 42KM / H, rare among heavy tank can reach this speed can complete explosion KV-1 in this regard.

Thus, T1 heavy tanks must rely on its strong mobility, rely on the dunes, stone or high soil slope around to the side or the rear of the other heavy tanks, and then rely on its high rate of fire hit twenty-three gun, then quickly converted position around to another side and then outputs.

Like T1 heavy tank, M6 has the same advantages, but these advantages M6 have a 90mm artillery cannons appear to fully compensate for the T1 disadvantage in firepower.

Originally, I see guns need 10000 experience going to not rise, accumulation directly after the T29 but M1A2 wear deep, often impenetrable, a bite for the guns after the wreck rate soared when the field can have 3 ~ 4 wreck averaged output 1500.

Average of 164 guns wear deep penetrated the side armor of most tanks can often penetrated the frontal armor 7 car, plus an average of 240 damage, another situation the rate of fire of about 7 seconds simply to the wild beasts of the field, is a fire.

As the same as T1 heavy tanks, using its maneuverability try to output around to the other side and rear of the tank, and the large M6 goal, so should be focused on cruising in the bushes or dense woods, if necessary, can also be to find a large house in the town to do the cover.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

"Guild Wars 2" Halloween activities Clocktower racing jumping music introduced

"Guild Wars 2" the Halloween Chapter III open add the clock tower jumping music activities, complete the activities of the players will be able to open an orange boots, boots of different properties in accordance with the character of the occupation. Interested players can look at the Raiders introduced.

The Halloween activities Clocktower jumping music into the methods and several other small game to enter the same way:

Arrive the human lands Queensdale Kessex Hills Gendarran Fields, you can see the crowd of pumpkins and some flag logo.

Flag flag other two maze games, you want to solve this jumping music, please go to the pumpkin mark

Select Enter to be able to enter the Mad King's Realm.

Sometimes go jumping is not music, but a maze game.

At this point it does not matter, as long as you speak with the NPC at the entrance, you can choose the game you want to play.

The first: a madman investigation, the second: pumpkin dota, third: the bell tower jumping music.