Saturday, October 27, 2012

Sharing of the Magic of ancient Mountain treasure trove of Warlock ordinary part of the H mode

As the flagship team of 25 people, may in some places is not suitable for 10 people, please do reference. Demons this version of the missing blue soft underbelly and some characteristics BOSS devil in the narrative.

No. 1 Stone Guard

Ordinary No. 1: pain greater than destruction, the Glyph best plug swap Glyph, each time you change the basic T just can once Vice target directly to 10 layers of pain, remember always playing with two. Quick-change targets do not fight a ghost.

H mode: painful seven minutes destroyed 700 million blood destruction, deal with a large number of post moves very inappropriate DPS Ranking foremost affirmed the pain S and DZ BOSS is not missing piece (without burning on DOT) Please find the way.

In addition, the location of the wall on both sides of the middle, put the Demon Portal BOSS foot of convenient tiled (very effective).

Talent to give up the soul of links with vanity enchantment cleared the field of aquamarine is very effective, and we try too much to cut a T or DZ to clean up, so DPS pressure.

About 90 talent, I have used the anti-injury and cunning, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Cunning sometimes ran connections ran directly in accordance with normal, if a little far away, a layer may debuff. But in the run aquamarine and purple water is very effective, paving is also. Anti-injury would be able to provide 0.5% of the DPS.

2 by curse those magic seal

Ordinary No. 2: pain greater than the other two lines, because the earthquake the stage very hurt, and painful stability is relatively high.

Skills: looking at DBM, a DOT refresh before the earthquake, and then look at the BOSS began to read the earthquake began Drain Soul.

H mode: destruction is greater than the pain of the shield stage the AOE a large number of small monster, painful seed explosion changed embarrassment, shield stage. Other stages and ordinary, just hurt slightly higher point, BOSS blood a little too much.

Skills: shield stage, when the little monster nearly beheaded give the BOSS havoc, burning mobs Also, please use array Glyph account stage speed collection of Austrian energy dispersion test circle CD just plug Glyph .

No. 3 wraith Gela Ya

Ordinary No. 3: destroy + Mary fat talent here VIP, Chaos Bolt Glyph plug / ignition kill blood back, we SS can do Do not treat himself into the infield and then out.

H mode: depends on configuration, infield mobs a bit high blood inside difficult to together directly killed, so they need to consider is to go kill or the pressure of the blood line.

No. 4 kings of the soul

Ordinary No. 4: over the No. 12 team, no mines, more than this is not difficult to escape the annihilation process is over, gifted with almost anything, destruction or weak.

H mode: the process and the general is almost exactly the same just a little too much blood, high damage problem never No. 3, No. 4, did not go do more to try.

No. 5 Eragon

Ordinary No. 5: pain is the most appropriate first layer of talent out squeeze more appropriate, can reduce a lot of the treatment of stress. Second layer plus dark anger, control mobs after the end of each time P3 eat see the situation halo. The third layer of a link, increase blood volume, increased fault tolerance.

H mode: did not try to DPS certainly not enough, the normal difficulty playing very hard.

Tip: just wasteland with Mary and fat, energy spark, throwing burning seeds. Outbreak, with six corrosion and damage 2 million + sparks came out to help play and back chip skilled cunning, every time a high number of layers, reading skills jump cleared to BUFF very effective.

The timing put burning seed can BOSS to to turn stage, just read the second article, unskilled, stop, hear the DBM countdown when student bar.

No.6 The will of the emperor

Ordinary No. 6: the the remote main role or clean up the little monsters, so I used the destruction melee each hide a BOSS destruction arc, to more than 5 million damage (25), although the pain can increase BOSS harm, but to clean up the mobs. not to force too. After all, a little strange too, not much blood.

H mode: this is the problem, the whole of the Titans chill now the pressure treatment.

Skills: mobs dying to BOSS catastrophe, start burning BOSS body injuries than painful low, another the mobs cleared her output remember to stay two the embers convenient cleanup allocated little monster.

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