Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Announce what you do not know, "Guild Wars 2" the hidden settings

"Guild Wars 2" Tyria world is extremely large, it takes a lot of energy to explore, to adventure. In this process will certainly encounter all kinds of strange, puzzling, that it will be very confused, let us first understand the experience various problems encountered by the players of the game in the Adventures of the process, be prepared in advance, we will reveal that we do not know "Guild Wars 2 the hidden settings.

Water war respirator

[Q] Guild Wars 2 rare water battle mode, suffocation in the water will not die. An influent, my helmet was gone, attributes seem to have gone, this is a bug? Water why helmets attributes plus achievements no?

[A] This is not a bug, into the water, you will be automatically put on the respirator, take off your helmet, so you wear the respirator will give you attribute addition, down the helmet of course no longer provide property .

[Q] Every time I test to participate, but experienced players, but never received a new respirator, Is our life on a respirator?

[A] Do not, you can be redeemed from the side of the Kamar businessman to a new respirator, usually in waterside Karmar businessman.

[Q] My best respirator, the best?

[A] LV 80, but I guess you can not afford it, anyway, I can not afford.

When the dragon boss appear

[Q] fierce fighting the dragon Boss was too domineering, N large one, our association wanted to kill it, it is based on real-time refresh?

[A] no, "Guild Wars 2" dragon Boss refresh and the degree of completion of the dynamic events. The dragon boss front of those dynamic event task is completed, the dragon will be refreshed like day by bird dragon, if no player triggered escort mission, it is never out.

World War (inter-service war)

[Q] fierce fighting there WvWvW (inter-service war) channel in the world, and that the inter-service wartime speak three servers will see it?

[A] test, but now is not. In the the cross clothing wartime, you can only see your side (server) statement. As a participant master of all tests, I had to say over the identity - this is better, or too confusing.

[Q] I approach and enemies exchange it?

[A] delusion, I bother to explain to you why! However, the expression of action, the enemy can see.

How to view the information of other players

[Q] I see individual class equipment really well handsome! Is there any way I can see the other player's level, race, and equipment?

[A] No, but if you and your partner each other and friends should be able to see. If you add the other party, the other party did not add you, you will show this person "followers".

Plot copy and explore copy

[Q] There are two copies, Plot copy and explore copy, is it? Already high level, but I do not do personal epic task, no brush copy of any plot. Is there any way to be able to participate directly in high grade copy of it? or I have to re-start the story missions to do low-level?

[A] Copy divided into two modes, story mode and exploration mode. Once the story mode to get through, you can explore mode. If your team has been to open the explore mode, you can participate in the copy. But difficult to explore mode, I do not recommend that you directly into the exploratory mode.

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